Bermuda Foundation For Insurance Studies

BFIS Scholars

BFIS maintains close ties with its students and usually we meet them several times during the course of the year.  With restrictions in place, this has not been possible in the last year but we have nevertheless stayed in regular touch. Despite the various obstacles that they have encountered in 2020/21, most of our Scholars are doing well, managing to keep up their grades, whether doing in-person, hybrid classes or remote learning, and have learned to adjust to non-traditional methods of teaching. 

BFIS has 26 current scholars, 11 of who will be graduating this year (see below article).  We are delighted that a good number of them have managed to secure full-time employment, while some are going on to further education.

As regards the other 15 Scholars, we wish them every success as they continue their education and will no doubt welcome a dozen or more new Scholars in the next month or two. It will be interesting to see how things progress for them academically with regard to COVID.  It is to be hoped that as more people receive vaccinations the number of cases will begin to decline steadily and that by later in the year it will be safe for students to travel again, but as of right now that is impossible to tell.

It is indeed unfortunate that many of the Scholars of 2020 and 2021 have missed out on the start of their university experience and all that the Freshman year offers but hopefully they will be able to complete their final years of university on campus and enjoy them to the fullest, working hard, of course, but also making the most of the opportunity to be college students, participate in all that university has to offer and build lasting friendships with other students from all over the world.